Uxbridge Loiterers Code of Conduct Guide
Who We Are
1. Uxbridge Loiterers CTC is a cycling club in West London that organises sociable rides and cycling holidays in the area and further afield. Our focus is on running friendly rides where developing camaraderie through safe and interesting days out on a bike, with like-minded fellow cyclists, is one of our key objectives.
2.The club is part of Cycling UK and it supports that organisation’s mission to use an active and inspirational volunteer network to support more people to cycle. We are governed by Cycling UK’s policies which can be found on their website. Members are also expected to adhere to the club’s code of conduct and ride guide at all times.
3. The club believes that all our members, anyone associated with the club and members of the public we come into contact with should be treated with respect and consideration. That includes having problems, complaints, grievances and difficulties resolved fairly.
4. Uxbridge Loiterers expects its members to behave in a way that demonstrates respect for all members, service providers e.g., staff in cafes and other places of refreshment and members of the public. The club seeks to operate in an environment that is free from harassment and discrimination. We hold that incidents of physical, emotional or psychological abuse, bullying or racism have no place in the Club and any perpetrators may be banned for a period as determined by the Club Committee. Neither do we tolerate flagrant breaches of our code of conduct or ride guide.
5. If any member feels or has felt insecure in any way whilst riding with the club then the member is encouraged to contact a member of the committee as soon as possible after the event to lodge a complaint. If the initial complaint is made verbally, it should be followed up in writing. Whilst efforts will be made to resolve complaints informally the committee can at its discretion launch a formal investigation. Frivolous or repetitive complaints will not be pursued.
6. Any formal investigation will report to a complaints panel that, if appropriate, can issue disciplinary sanctions against a member.
Code of Conduct Aims and Purpose:
7. The Code of Conduct sets out the expected behaviour of all members of the Uxbridge Loiterers when participating in any activity or event, in person or online. Its aims are to :-
7.1. Protect members and to protect others potentially affected by members' actions.
7.2. Ensure the highest possible standards of fairness, honesty, and behaviour.
7.3. Reduce the risk of harm, injury, harassment and nuisance to members and the wider community.
7.4. Outline the actions that can be taken should the Code of Conduct be breached.
8. It also helps ensure that members of the Loiterers make an active contribution to safe cycling and enhance the reputation of the Loiterers as a cycling club in the community.
Scope and Key Elements
9. The code applies to all members of the club, including volunteer ride leaders and to guests riding with the club
10. The key elements of the code are:-
10.1. All members must follow the general rules, regulations guidelines and policies of Uxbridge Loiterers CTC and Cycling UK.
10.2. Members should not undertake any action which could bring the reputation of the Club or Cycling UK into disrepute.
10.3. Members should show to fellow members, other road users and members of the public appropriate courtesy, respect and regard for their rights.
10.4. Members must behave responsibly, courteously, and safely at all times when riding with the club.
10.5. Members should not pressure or coerce any other member into any action with which they feel uncomfortable nor should they encourage others into acting against
the code of conduct.
10.6. Members should be aware of how their actions may be perceived by others and conduct themselves in a reasonable manor relating to language, noise
and behaviour.
10.7. Members must not be intoxicated at any event or activity where such behaviour could be deemed unacceptable or irresponsible.
10.8. Members should recognise that roads and tracks are shared spaces and give way to other users where appropriate, including
motor vehicles, motor cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders.
10.9. Members should know, understand and follow the requirements of the Highway Code and any other rules of the road currently in force, for example
♦ Stop at red lights.
♦ Use the primary or secondary position on the road as appropriate.
♦ Allow other road users to pass you safely, when appropriate.
♦ Be predictable and signal your intentions on the road.
♦ Signal or call out the existence of hazards to other riders in your group.
♦ Be cautious around large vehicles, which may be unaware of your presence.
Disciplinary Measures
11. Breaches of the code can result in the disciplining of the members concerned.
12. It is not intended to outline acceptable behaviour here but behaviour is likely to be regarded as unacceptable if it:
♦Demonstrates a lack of control of the bike or an inability to ride safely within a group.
♦Has a negative impact on the reputation of the club.
♦Creates tension, disharmony or conflict in the club or during a club event.
♦Involves discrimination or harassment.
♦Involves insulting or intimidatory behaviour towards other club members or members of the public.
♦Involves repeated use of foul language.
♦Involves the use of banned substances.
13. Sanctions can include but are not limited to informal and formal warnings and temporary or permanent expulsion from the club.